Pokemon Go IOS Hack

Read the Instructions and Have Fun


Jump to places with Algolia Places search 
Switch between different speed presets
Total distance counter 
Current speed counter


Teleport around the World


Various classes of Autopilot (Walk, Bicycle, Truck,

Subway and Car)


NOTE: To avoid being soft banned, don't change your location to fast: the ban is issued if the server sees you traveling a too long distance in a short amount of time.

Or use our "How to Un-ban in 5 minutes" guide


-Mac with Xcode installed

-An IOS device with Pokémon Go Installed

Video Guide

Watch our Video Guide for more Information


Start Pokémon Go on your iOS device & connect it to your Mac via USB

Download and Start the pokemongo-webspoof-v121.app.tar.gz app on your Mac, it will start also Xcode. You will find the app in your downloads folder

Open Xcode and Go to pokemon-webspoof then change the Bundle Identifier to something unique 

(com.yourrandomname.pokemon-webspoof) and at the end you need to add your Apple ID.

1. Build & run Xcode project on your connected iPhone.

2. Go to Settings > General > Developers > Your Apple ID > Trust Developer.

3.Restart the first step. When you did all right there will open an new window.

Tap on Launch Pokemon Go and check if "Keep app running in the Background" is enabled